The Power Theory: Simulation: from the codes of social relation and social power
Baseerat Chowdhary , Dr. Valiur Rahaman
Simulation, Reality, Simulacra, Signs, Commodities
The present study entitled”The Power Theory: Simulation:from the codes of Social relations and Social Power”. Baudrillard’s work is characterized by a historical awareness of the literary tradition and the practice of writing typical of post-modernism. This is a qualitative work through the lens of Hyperreality to study exaggeration in post-modernism . Although simulation is a major term in Baudrillard's vocabulary, it is not his 'key' concept or primary idea, as is sometimes assumed. Indeed, the phrase has largely vanished from Baudrillard's work over the last two decades. It does, however, play a significant part in the development of Baudrillard's theories, The link between'real' and simulated, as well as between simulacrum and simulation, is one of Baudrillard's most misunderstood concepts, hence its explication is critical. Simulacrum is a Latin word that means "image,""semblance," or "likeness." The material element of the simulacrum, the image as thing, as fashioned and produced, is emphasised by the Oxford English Dictionary. Baudrillard explores the phases or stages of the image in modern Western culture from the Renaissance to the present day, theorising the orders of'simulacra' (plural form). Baudrillard, who was influenced by Nietzsche and Pierre Klossowski, considers the simulacrum to be entire or total: "everything" is simulacral (2005d: 39–47).There are only images or illusions; there are additional images 'beyond' images; and there is no moment where the last illusion is torn away to reveal...reality. The concept of'reality,' then, is an illusion in and of itself, and one of recent origin; Baudrillard situates the development of the concept of'reality' within the orders of simulacra (1998b: 23, 2005d: 39). Of obviously, the concept of'reality' is not static. The first order of simulacra appears, with its clear binary oppositions of real/unreal and true/false. The concept of the'real' reaches its pinnacle in the second level of simulacra, where life, sex, and labour are regarded as absolute realities.
Article Details
Unique Paper ID: 158155

Publication Volume & Issue: Volume 9, Issue 8

Page(s): 810 - 813
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